Latest Episodes

Nate Parker: Black Filmmaking, Faith in Hollywood, and The Birth of a Nation
Join Nate Parker, beloved actor and director of The Birth of a Nation fame, as he gets real with All That to Say about...

Walter Kim: Faith, Culture, and a New Definition of “Evangelical”
In this timely, in-depth conversation, National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) president Walter Kim reflects on the history of the organization he’s been leading since...

Ted Green: Filming the Triumph of the Human Spirit
In this moving, long-form conversation, journalist and documentary filmmaker Ted Green recounts his journey from an early aspiration to be the next William Faulkner,...

Shirley Hoogstra: Christian Higher Education in a Contemporary World
In this long-form conversation Shirley Hoogstra, president of the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities, takes a deep dive into the generational and contemporary...

Geremy Dixon: The Church as a Transformative Force for Reconciliation
In this long-form conversation Geremy Dixon, lead pastor of Center of Hope LA, reflects on the unique opportunities of ministering in the diverse microcosm...

John Koufos: Criminal Justice Reform: Preventing Tomorrow’s Victims
In this frank, in-depth conversation, criminal justice advocate John Koufos recounts his personal relationship with the criminal justice system – first as the son...